C++ Black Jack

Below is a Black Jack text based game I developed in C++.

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blackjack.cpp file

// Name        : blackjack.cpp
// Author      : Rianne Trujillo
// Version     :
// Copyright   : 
// Description : Black Jack in C++


#include "dealer.h"
#include "player.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {

	//display game title
	cout << "BLACKJACK\n" << endl;

	//player class + human instance
	Player human;
	//if playerName is set to default, ask for name
	if (human.name=="default") {
		std::string playerName;
		cout << "Enter Your Name: ";
		cin >> playerName;
		human.name = playerName;

	//Print Greeting
	cout << "Welcome " << human.name << ". Let's Play!\n" << endl;


	return 0;


player.cpp file

 * player.cpp

#include "player.h"
#include "dealer.h"

Player::Player () {

void Player::play21(void) {

	//randomize the cards
	srand((int) time(0));

	Dealer dealer;
	Player player;

	// deal the cards
	int person = dealer.dealCards(2, "Your Cards:");
	std::cout << " = " << person;
	std::cout << "\n";
	int computer = dealer.dealCards(2, "Computer's Cards:");
	std::cout <<" = " << computer;
	std::cout << "\n";
	// Ask if human wants a hit

	char takeHit = 'y';
		while (takeHit != 'n') {
			if (person < 21) {
				//does the player want a hit?
				std::cout << "\nDo you want a hit (y/n)? ";
				std::cin >> takeHit;
				//If yes
				if (takeHit == 'y'){
					//Deal a card
					person += dealer.dealCards(1,"\nHit:");
					std::cout << "\n";
					std::cout << "Total: " << person << "\n";

				} else //the player does not want another card
				takeHit ='n';
			} else {
				//the player has busted
				if (person > 21)
				std::cout <<"\nYOU BUSTED!\n";
				takeHit ='n';

	//Determine if computer takes a hit
	while ((computer < person) && (computer <= 21) && (person <= 21)) {
		std::cout << "\n";
		computer += dealer.dealCards(1,"The Computer took a card: ");

	//show who won.
	dealer.determineWinner(person, computer);


void Player::newGame(void){
	char keepPlaying;
	//set variable for keepPlaying char to n
	keepPlaying = 'n';

	do {//do play21 function while keepPlaying = y

		//ask for keepPlaying input
		std::cout << "\nDo you want to play another hand (y/n)?";
		std::cin >> keepPlaying;
		std::cout << "\n";

	} while (keepPlaying=='y');

	if  (keepPlaying=='n')  {//if no, print game over
		std::cout << "\nGAME OVER.\nThanks For playing!";


player.h file

 * player.h

#ifndef PLAYER_H_
#define PLAYER_H_


class Player {
	// properties:
	std::string name;
	void play21(void);
	void newGame(void);

	std::string playerName;


#endif /* PLAYER_H_ */

dealer.cpp file

 * dealer.cpp

//dealer  shuffles cards and
//gives card to players when they ask for hit

#include "dealer.h"
#include "player.h"

Dealer::Dealer() {
	personScore = 0;
	computerScore = 0;


int Dealer::dealCards(int numCards, std::string message){
	//deal cards
	//set cardDealt and totalValue to 0
	int cardDealt = 0;
	int totalValue = 0;
	//print players cards to the screen
	std::cout << message << " ";
	//deal the number of required cards
	for (int i = 1 ; i <= numCards ; i++){
		//deal a card between 1 and 10
		cardDealt = Shuffle(1, 10);
		//if card dealt is equal to 1
		if (cardDealt == 1){
			//and if total value of card dealt is less than 10
			if (totalValue+=cardDealt > 10)
			//card is 11
			cardDealt =11;
			//card is 1
			else {cardDealt =1;}

		//accumulate the card values
		//totalValue is equal to the number of cards dealt
		totalValue += cardDealt;
		std::cout << cardDealt << " ";
	//return total value
	return totalValue;

void Dealer::determineWinner(int person, int computer) {

	//Display total scores
	std::cout <<"\nYour Score: " << person;
	std::cout <<"\nComputer Score: " << computer;
	std::cout << "\n";

	//Display winner
	//if person is equal to computer, its a tie
	//if person = 21, or => computer, or computer is > than 21, person wins
	//else computer wins
	if (person == computer)
	std::cout << "\nTie";
	else if ((person == 21 || person >= computer|| computer > 21) && (person <= 21))
	std::cout <<"\nYou Won!\n";
	std::cout <<"\nThe Computer Won!\n";

int Dealer::Shuffle(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit) {
	//returns a random number within the given boundary
	return 1 + rand() % (upperLimit - lowerLimit + 1);

dealer.h file

 * dealer.h

#ifndef DEALER_H_
#define DEALER_H_


class Dealer {
	int dealCards(int numCards, std:: string message);
	void determineWinner(int person, int computer);
	int Shuffle(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit);

	int personScore;
	int computerScore;


#endif /* DEALER_H_ */
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